In the first week of March the staff here at HTD went away on a retreat to talk about our ministry and church and hear from our relatively new Senior Pastor some of his thoughts for the future.  It was an excellent weekend.  But it is not so much that weekend that I wish to talk about but rather something interesting I noticed happening when we went out for dinner.  We went out to a restaurant and on the table across from us was a couple on a date.  They were chatting away for most of the night but at one point I looked over and I saw the guy checking his Facebook while the girl was telling him a story about something going on in his life.  Now this was not a subtle, keep the phone under your table and keep pretending to listen kind of check of the phone.  No, this guy got his phone out and had it up in view for everyone to see (including his date!) and was scrolling through Facebook!  I watched as he tried to listen to what the girl was saying, but we all know that (being a guy) this is pretty much impossible. I'm constantly getting into trouble from my wife for not disconnecting from my phone so as I can connect better with her.  Here he was trying to connect with his girlfriend and as she was opening herself up and telling him a story about her life, he got out his phone and checked what others were doing on Facebook.  Crazy!

Anyway, I'm reminded of this story because I just came across a promo for a new book by Tim Challies which looks like it's talking all about this kinda of stuff.  Will probably be a good read.  Check out the video: