So today a local Anglican Melbourne minister is featured in a local secular mag.  See here and here

I'm grateful for this.  I'm thankful to God for the work he is doing through City on a Hill.  I've learnt lots from the many visits to Ridley classes that Guy has made and I'm friends with some of Guy's good friends.

But the danger for me today, public confession time, is that I want to be Guy Mason.  I want to be a famous minister.  I want success.  I want to go on billboards and get on the front page of magazines.  But surely this can't only be me?  Surely there are others who are happy about the success but who secretly wish it was them?

This is sinful.  This is pride.  Sometimes I tell myself it's because I'm jealous for God's kingdom to be made known.  But that can happen through people like Guy!  It doesn't have to be through you or me (on a big scale).  All of us need to use the gifts and talents God has uniquely given and serve him wholeheartedly and to the best of our abilities.  If you end up 'famous' like Guy, then it will be because God has humbled you.  If you never 'make it'.  You will still be a useful member of the body of Christ.  Serving in whatever capacity he's gifted you in.

I'm glad that from all my encounters with Guy I find him to be humble, quick to give God the glory.  City on a Hill is a growing church making disciples and getting good press for the Kingdom.  I'm glad about this!  But what I know even more is that every non-christian who reads the magazine article today will probably only be bought into a relationship with Jesus or a church if people like you and me, who aren't famous, get alongside them.  Ask them what they thought of the article, invite them to church, speak to them about Jesus.  If you do that today then you are fulfilling your call just as effectively as Guy!

God uses all his people for his glory.  You don't have to be famous.  Just faithful to serving in whatever capacity and through whatever opportunities God place before you.